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My Definition: The ability to be dynamic and use past experiences and knowledge to inspire others to follow their vision. 


My Criteria: Reliable, Open-minded, team-player, hard-working, visionary, high integrity, takes initiative, motivator. 


Reflection: PREP 2018 


Throughout my experience as a PREP Executive, I have been able to exercise four different styles of leadership: affiliative, democratic, pacesetting, and coaching.  By serving as a team member within staff and the leader within the Leadership Development committee, I have had to adapt to many different situations and personality types that have further sharpened my leadership skills.


Among staff I have acted as an affiliative leader often.  Having passion for PREP and its freshmen, I see the unity of staff as the driving proponent to the success of PREP.  Acting as an encourager, I have helped spread that same passion to fuel my peers into sharing that same vision.  During staff meeting, I played the democratic style.  I always looked to bring up my innovative ideas and ask other staff members what they thought about solving our challenges at hand.  I’ve acted as a pacesetter by understanding the importance of leading by example.  Even though I may have the same title as my other staff members, I know they may still look to me as a leader from time to time, and that’s my opportunity to show how my actions speak louder than words. 


Under Leadership Development, I have had to use the coaching style time and time again.  Each of the eight freshmen in my committee have asked me for advice.  I may not always have the answers, but I am strong at asking the right questions back at them to help them find the answer.  


All in all, I have found that as an effective leader, I need to take the time outside of a meeting setting to get to know each of my team members.  If I can show that I value them as a person, regardless of their role on the team, I know that I’ll be able to have an influence on their team-focus.  


My Partner and I Created Roles for Our LD Freshmen to: 1) Give them guidance and direction 2) Give them ideas on what to write on their resumes

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