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"Where I'm From"

I am from dusty, old law books, from wicker baskets and dominos.


I am from the red brick and blue, balloon-filled sky.


I am from the pine trees, the crisp St. Augustine grass.


I am from gumbo on New Year’s and early risers, from Papa and Lilianna and Swayde.


I am from the summer-time fishing and Saturday morning tennis.


From “Eat your broccoli” and “Novys never quit.”


I am from Catholicism and dependability.


I'm from Longview and Czechoslovakia, etouffee and kolaches.


From the Labor Day slot machine jackpot, the pinewood derby with Pop, and the Hope Open father-son championship.


I am from family memories decorating the walls of the dining room where many of life’s most underrated lessons are shared.

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